Game Day Checklist
Contact the opposing coach to confirm the game time, field location, and uniform colors. If both teams have the same color, the home team must change.
Provide your team with directions to the field and game time information.
Game Day!
Bring ice and a first aid kit.
Arrive 30-45 minutes before the game starts.
If you’re the home coach, check the field for corner flags, make sure nets are fastened, and goals are anchored.
Have two copies of your roster ready with players' names and uniforms.
Bring the team's medical release forms.
Have coach passes ready to show the referee (max of 2 coaches on the sideline for U11 and up, and 3 coaches for U9 and U10).
Have player passes ready for travel teams.
Each coach pays half of the referee fee in cash before the game.
Each team must provide one linesperson to assist the referee with out-of-bounds calls.
The home team must provide the game ball.
Ensure the goalkeeper’s shirt is a different color than both teams’ uniforms.
If no referee shows up, agree with the other coach on someone to referee and offer to pay them per half, in case the official referee arrives late.
During the Game
Show good sportsmanship toward the opposing team and the referee.
You're responsible for your players' and fans' behavior.
Keep your comments to players positive and encouraging.
Be prepared to handle any injuries.
After the Game
Congratulate the opposing team and thank the referee.
Get the official scorecard signed by the referee and collect your player passes.
Keep your post-game talk short and positive—this is not the time to point out mistakes.
Report the score to the league through the link provided.
If you have feedback about the refereeing, complete a referee evaluation form and send it to RBJSL. Do not argue with the referee on the field—send a copy of the evaluation to our Games Commissioner and Boys/Girls Director.
If no referee showed up, report this to our Game Commissioner.